Saturday, August 26, 2006

netflix queue gone wonky

i've just watched three films in a row about women being institutionalized for various reasons. the last two had british accents, so i'm thinking about this in a kind of working class lilt. i'm to speak on a panel in a couple hours, and i hope i don't end my questions on a down-note or use the word "what" inappropriately...

the first film was about a girl in afghanistan who dresses as a boy, gets found out, and is sent to live in a locked room for the rest of her life.

the second was about three young women. one was raped, one had a child out of wedlock, and one very pretty. they were all sent to a kind of slave labor camp run by nuns. one was rescued, two escaped.

the third film was about a kind, tea-obsessed old woman who performs illegal abortions on Friday afternoons. she is sent to prison where she meets other women who performed abortions.

The whole thing is just too much.

The common element is that women have been controlled, men inspired, by uniformity.

I could stand to listen to some Peaches right about now.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Search and Recovery

Check Check...Check 1- 2- 3- tap tap tap...Is this thing on?
Well, hello it has been a long time. I am washed anew, clean from my old self. Since our last one-side (mostly) conversation, I have seen some really great sites, drank some really great beer, and eaten smoked almonds on the Athabasca Glacier. I am talking of course about Canada, oh Canada. To compound my total loss of self in my travels, it happened to be a full moon while I was up there. Some Indian dude on Granville Island, with a smudge bowl of sage and a feather remarked while he smudged me that I had gotten hit "bigtime" by the full moon. I knew what he meant, but I did not know the what extent.

I'm sorry, I do not have a picture to show you from my trip, that costs extra, I think it will cost me a total of $600 when all is added up. You see things sunk in from the great north when I got home to NYC. Upon my arrival, I found a giant pile of extremely fertile dirt (only 2 bugs Alexis) but very rich soil- lying under my cow's head in the shape of a cone. Strange there were cones of what you though was dirt on the glacier, but it wasn't dirt, it was solid ice with a dirt finish.
So out went the cow's head- I had that thing for 15 years.

Next was the big crash of 2006 for me. My hard drive went down on August 21st. After tears of shock and $600 later, I may have a working computer this evening and my data recovered.

So after sleeping in postcard settings and breathing mountain air, NY has continued to temper me to this new moon cycle. I am washed anew and I feel lighter, even though I opted for a 120 gig hard drive, man will that be heavy when it crashes full.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Washroom dreaming

Back in a city from the wild landscape that is the Canadian Rockies. I no longer dream about walking on a glacier. Asleep in Vancouver, fresh from walking the city streets and drinking vodka and red bull in a huge gay bar, I dreamt that I had entered my friend's Jeff and Jim's apartment in NY. I had to go to the bathroom, so I went into "Jeff's" room used his privee. Jeff enters his room at that moment looking rather stunning, dressed as Elizabeth Taylor in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf.
JEFF (startled): Oh, Hello.
JACQUE: I just was using your bathroom, hello, what are you dressed----
JEFF (non-chalant): Oh, it was Liz Taylor night at The Urge, I'm Liz in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, and Jim went as National Velvet.
Jim enters holding a riding crop.