Saturday, May 27, 2006

you have this sickness called media

Let me examine you.
There seems to be a general numbness, when did it start?
And you noticed it when the wireless went down.
Turn your head and cough for me.
Have you been taking your lap top in bed with you? Okay. So, you are having trouble concentrating on one thought for more than a minute. Go ahaed take the incoming call, I know you need to speak with your mother, you have been avioding her for weeks! Focus! Does it hurt when I do this? Is that your PDA chirping about some incoming text message, yeah go ahead and view it , I'll wait.....

What about when I do this, any discomort or tingling sensation? Yes, you can tivo Runway Moms while I write this perscription.

Can you read this eye chart for me?

R E A D N E I L P O S T M A N' S B O O K


Saturday, May 20, 2006

JG Wigglestodtt's

There comes a time in everyone's life when they have take stock. I am seriously considering a new venture. My vision is to furnish provisions for weary vegans and nearly-vegans, what they crave and do not know they crave, at dawn of every new day.
On the store front window it will one day read:
JG Wigglestodtt's
Home of Fine Soy Cheeses
Purveyor of Fake Meats
Soy Milks from the Far East Village

And Yes, Alexis, there WILL be a "butcher"!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Diary of Coincidences and Strange Occurances

On Thursday, Jac took me to see "Well," a play about an old woman who is perpetually sick, constantly interrupts, uses a 'grabber', belittles her daughter in public, charms her daughter's friends, and so on. Jac happened to get free tickets to this show.

On Friday, I flew to visit my mother, who is perpetually sick, constantly interrupts, uses a 'grabber', belittles me in public, and charms my friends.

At the rental car counter at the airport i was told my car had been upgraded at no extra cost. I thought that was neat, until i saw what they'd given me: a beige PT Cruiser, a plastic death machine with blindspots instead of windows and the momentum of a state legislature. This was my first indication that things would not go as i expected.

I drove the POS to mom's house and no one was home. I waited for her for half an hour. She knew when i was arriving, but she was busy running errands. I assumed she would drag her body in the door and then tell me to get a dozen crinkly plastic bags of sale items from her car. But when she got home, she bounced in the door with a couple bags of groceries, all lettuce and sushi. She looked great.

My sister, her husband and son showed up much later. My sister's husband and my mother have a terrible relationship. She thinks he's a low class stupid person who's bad for my sister, and he thinks she's a phony stupid person who's bad for my sister. I expected my sister would minimize the mom time, practically leave the car running, and rush back to the hotel (she loves hotels). Instead, the whole family came inside and had a nice visit before cruising over the hotel.

On Saturday my sister went alone to visit a friend in prison. She'd never been to that part of Florida and never visited a prison. My sister is a creature of habit who has to lie down if Kraft changes the packaging on Mac-N-Cheese. She can't read a map, and she doesn't plan ahead. But she did it. She drove down there and suffered the whole process and actually got in to see her friend, even though there were many discouraging steps along the way. Mom said she was proud of her, but not in an over-the-top embarrasing way that is actually belittling. She just kind of muttered it to herself. When my sister came back, we opened a bottle of champagne, and she gave the toast, "To sweet, sweet freedom."

The next day was spent giving a desk to my sister. This is a big deal because my mother has a large house full of furniture and piles of garbage, and she always says she wants to get rid of all the clutter and sell the house. She's never done anything to indicate she actually feels this way. But on Saturday, she cleaned off a desk and we loaded it onto a trailer. Even more surprisinly, my mother gave up her deep freezer, still empty since the last hurricaine. I distracted my nephew the whole time, making up games like "throw the purple poodle while making clicking sounds". Sunday night, when my sister's family was gone, I watched part of a movie with mom. She didn't interrupt, she didn't get stoned and stupid, and she didn't mind when halfway through i told her i wanted to go.

The next day it was just me and mom. She didn't shut up the whole time. It drove me nuts. She reminisced about my childhood giving a totally inaccurate, self-centered account designed to make her look good. She embarrased me in public. A giant cockroach limped out into the living room to remind me why i don't sleep there. Mom nearly made me late for my flight and told me i was overreacting to everything. As soon as I got back to Manhattan i bought a can of bud and drank it on the street - - sweet, sweet freedom.

Friday, May 12, 2006

the view is some crazy wacky shit

Today is" Day One" at the TONY'S offices located in a hotel called FLATOTEL, on 52nd street between 6th and Broadway, close to Radio City. Looking out 45 stories up. I have to say, this is the best editing situation ever, we put the AVID by the windows- but it's all view really, and the AVID looks like a flying machine now more than ever.
There is also a balcony. EVERYONE who has been in here today, has pleaded with me not to swan dive off of it--when the shit hits the fan, yelling "SO LONG SUCKERS!" and flipping off people as a last look.
No death wish here, I told them, I'd rather BBQ tofu dogs on the balcony- let's see if I can pull that one off.

But seriously folks, working with White Cherry has been all about the view so far, I have had windows- lots of them, that shit is important- especially if you live in NYC and haven't had the privilege of a room with a view...that reminds me:

My friend Sally, an artist, from Madrid, has this video about people who worked at WTC who shared stories about the view out of their office windows. She had problems getting it screened in NYC because she had interviews with two guys who died on 9/11 from WINDOWS ON THE WORLD- they were kitchen staff, with a great view, they were happy and proud of their view in the video, and were the only ones who really appreciated her asking them about it.

Monday, May 08, 2006

tomorrow, tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be performing an exorcism.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Whiter teeth and a brighter future

Dear America,
Do you suffer from low energy? When someone asks you how you are feeling, do you respond "fine" even though you have a hang nail and stayed up late smoking too many cigs, tossin' back cheap whiskey and rollin' stogies on your mexican lady's thigh?

Do you smile on cue?

Here's the fix- if you want that promotion....teeth whitening, in a box, now, GO...get thee to the corner drug store, and drop 30 bucks! GO FOR THE GOLD cadillac of teeth will be a brighter 2 weeks in your otherwise, seemingly, low watt existence.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who will host the Tony's?

Today I asked the almighty google what butch male actors had the skeleton known as high school musical theater in their backgrounds...knowing that Oprah said no to hosting the Tony's, I sense the director is asking for this research for an opening number bit to then reveal the host- still top secret.
I came up with tough guys like Wesley Snipes, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. Ok posters, now's your chance to "weigh in" on what is called: "John Travolta types" -dudes that don't look like they dance.
PS_ I already know that Matt Damon did Pippin.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

i'm just not that threatening

I counted cars again today. This time i stood at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge. It's a major truck thoroughfare, and i got hooted and hollared at by truckers. I felt so suspicious standing there, facing traffic, with my clipboard and backpack and little counters from Staples. The counters hang from my wrists by rubber bands, the way the pen hangs from the clipboard by a shoelace. I've got the hookup.

I'm standing there thinking some cop is going to come over and ask me what i'm doing. I'll say i'm counting cars, "See - there's my clipboard!". He'll ask me to put my hands up. When i do, he'll see the shiny metal things hanging from them. I'm thinking about Amadou Diallo, wondering if cops are still as trigger happy as they were under Giuliani. As i'm thinking this, a guy leans out of a commercial van and makes kissing sounds at me.

My next observation point was at the corner of Sara D. Roosevelt Park, watching the traffic come off the bridge in another direction. I had my back to a sunken ballfield full of Chinese senior citizens doing tai chi. I overheard the following conversation:

Hipster chick: Hey neighbor! You're up early.
Hipster guy: What up girl. It's the crack of dawn.
Hipster chick, looking at me: Something is up in this city today, right?
Hipster guy: Yeah, somethin is up. It don't feel right.

Apparently i am a sign of doom.

I returned to my paranoia about getting questioned by police. I ran through a list in my head of different types of identification i had on me - - which ones were more legitimate, and which were easier to get. My work ID could be a fake, but it's in my front pocket and it's got a big American flag on it... just as i'm thinking this, an NYPD truck starts back up right onto where i'm standing. I moved; it took my spot. Two cops sat in the front, drinking coffee and blocking pedestrian traffic, and one cop got out and started pulling over trucks. I guess they were doing random searches. I stood right next to the cop van and kept counting. I felt like I had a police escort for the rest of the morning.

** Fact: "New York's Boldest" refers to NYC Corrections Officers, just as the police are "New York's Finest", the sanitation workers are "New York's Strongest" and the firemen are, i suppose, "New York's Best Looking." No wait, they're "Bravest."

Monday, May 01, 2006

bomb sniffing dog

Back in NY and back out on the street hustling for a gig with more $ per week. On the way to a job interview with Lion TV, I was riding the subway and there was a bomb sniffing dog in the car hanging out next to me. He seemed very friendly despite the obvious pressures of his work. He let me pet him, even though he was on duty, working on a noisy, moving subway with smelly people that he could lean over and smell-with full respect from everyone. People were asking the handler if they could pet him and then they would thank him for the work he was doing, and say while petting him: "what a great job you are doing, GOOD BOY!"

When I got to the interview, the woman who interviewed me asked about which subjects interested me more as a producer: the history of the SUV, the history of the Skyscaper or the history of the bomb.
I thought the history of the skyscraper would be cool, cause the history of the bomb seems so general, I mean -what bomb? Or, what kind of bomb... never say bomb on a plane...These thoughts ran thru my mind, along with images of the bomb sniffing dog.
I wonder if the bomb sniffing dog knows the history of the bomb sniffing dog?
That show is interesting to me as a producer. Maybe I will just do the Tonys.