Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"family" feud

idea for the game show network: survey 100 or 200 people in a specific demographic, say new york city residents between the ages of 21 and 35 who are queer and were found at a gay bar south of 23rd street on a given friday night. Ask them questions like "name a brand of sneaker" and "what's a good excuse for not attending a straight friend's wedding" and "name something you do in a bathroom."

Survey says?
Out of town that day!
Have sex!

Get a drag queen/king to be Richard Dawson. Get groups of queers - "families" - to compete. gays v dykes. chelsea boys v east village boys. butches v femmes.

the prizes could be vacations in south beach, spa treatments, and olivia cruises.

you could even get sociology/anthropology students to do the surveying, so it would be a legitimate study of culture or somesuch.

then sit back and watch the marathon on a saturday afternoon...


No Agenda said...

I'm pitching this to LOGO!

Anonymous said...

Jerry Blank's answer to the question, "Name a place to go on summer vacation." : "HOBO-CAMP!" Hmm. What "family" to put her in? How about the Forty-Six Year-Old High School Boozers? And they could play against the Passaic County Bi-Curious Bankers!