Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My organic friend

This past weekend I travelled to High Springs, Florida to see my good friend who is an organic farmer.

It was so good to just relax and pick herbs and vegetables from his garden, cook, play with his animals and hang out. Even though my friend has restaurant clients he delivers to, I am trying to get him involved with a community supported agriculture program, or even a farmer's market. At one point, I became this marketing freak when I saw the quality of his crops, I wanted him to feed as many people as possible, and make money!! Farming is a solitary act in his case, so he is not accustomed to marketing his crops beyond his few clients. I spent much of my visit as a pushy New Yorker, trying to get my friend to expand his business.

Later, my friend told me his crops do not go to waste, that he will call up local community groups and give them what he doesn't sell. That made me happy, so I relaxed.

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