Here I am putting the question to the dominant societal norm- straight culture:
Straight People Why Do You Hate Gays?
God Bless him, my cousin actually spoke to me today on the phone about the Larry Kramer "open letter" to straight people, which I had sent to him to speak to me about, whenever he could talk about it. He chose today to discuss it with me. He actually had to have me hold the line for a minute, while he closed the door to his office, he was at work. My cousin expressed that he had wanted to respond to me but he wanted to do so in a conversation, not in an E-mail which he felt could be taken the wrong way. As he spoke in a low voice, I started to get the sense of how he felt about the topic- shame.
His main point came right out of the gate: Straights hate gays because they feel homosexuality is rooted in sex not love. Sad, but when I pushed him further he said that he could not imagine being with a man or being in love with another man. He explained further that straight people see gays as people who like sex a certain way, much like someone straight would have a preference for a certain position like: "Doggie Style" or masturbation, and there aren't any parades for this.
He was not kidding, this is what he said. So, I said that I could understand given this perspective how two lesbians celebrating a mass together in church, or cooking dinner for one another in their home would not be hot therefore it just doesn't exist in his male fantasy, but 2 lesbians in bed together- that's the only space for lesbians to exist. I had no idea my cousin had seen me so flately.
Oddly, I'm not angry with my cousin, I told him to imagine a world in his mind where to be gay was the norm, and then to take the feelings he has for his wife and place them in this context, that this love was not the love that you are "supposed to feel"
-a side note I referenced Ancient Greece and homosexuality as the more pure form of love expression that humans can experience.
I told him to try to think about this when he could, maybe then he might start to understand or at least see gay and lesbian love equal to straight love.
It was good to discuss this with him, perhaps we'll keep talking.