It's not too competitive, nice in a group, there's no gambling, and here are the rules.
The Rules of Paris
The lowest card is 3, the highest card is 2. The order of cards, from lowest to highest, is 3, 4, 5 … etc … King, Ace, 2.
Suits don’t matter. Colors don’t matter.
Play with 3 or more people.
Set Up
Shuffle two decks of cards together, no jokers.
Deal three cards face down to each person.
On top of those face-down cards, deal three cards face up to each person.
The players will completely ignore those 6 cards in front of them until much later.
Deal a five card hand to each person.
Whoever has the lowest card starts the game. Usually it’s the player with a 3 or more than one 3. He puts down his 3s in the middle. Then he picks up from the deck enough cards so he has 5 in his hand.
The next person can put down the same card or higher than the one in the middle. You can put down as many of the same card as you want - - for example, if you have three 5s, you can put them all down at once. As soon as you are done putting down your cards, pick up from the deck enough so you have five cards in your hand.
If you don’t have the same card or higher then you can’t put anything down. Instead, you have to pick up all the cards in the middle. Then it’s the next person’s turn.
As soon as there are 4 of the same card in the middle, the pile gets cleared. For example, if there were three 6s in the middle pile, and the next guy added another 6, the middle pile would be cleared. The pile goes away. The player who clears gets to keep going. With an empty middle, he can put down whatever he wants.
Special Card: If someone puts down a 7, the next person has to put down a 7 or lower.
Special Card: A 10 always clears the pile. A 10 can be put on top of any other card.
The players go around taking their turns, each putting down higher cards than the last player, always keeping at least five cards in your hand.
Eventually the deck you’re drawing from will run out. When that happens, play the remaining cards in your hand. When your hand runs out, play the cards in front of you that are facing up (the order you play them in doesn’t matter). When the face up cards run out, play the face down cards - - without looking at them first.
The first person to run out of all cards “wins”. The remaining players keep playing until there’s only one person left. Paris is not about winning, it’s about not losing - - not being the last person left.
Before starting the game, players can trade out any of the 5 cards in their hand for the face-up cards. It’s best to put your best cards face up.
To play with only 2 people, deal 10 cards instead of 5.
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