Thursday, September 28, 2006

If you could work any gig-what would you do?

I've been wrestling with this myself lately. The freelance lifestyle supports this, since what you are doing and where you are doing it is relative from week to week.

So belly up to the bar folks, what shall it be for your mid-life, near mid-life or afterlife crisis?

How many times have you thought to yourself, I could be a massage therapist or a social worker when you had reached the end of your rope on some hellish work day?

Feeling artsy and creative??? Maybe I could be a painter or with this digital camera, I could turn pro!

Did you know there are professional video game players- check out - I'm working on a show for them.

Which leads me to my closing thought, isn't it all about doing what makes you happy/content?

Where would you go?

If you could spend one day in any place in any time in history, where would you go? You get three. Here are mine. And thanks to Ferzoco for posing this question yesterday.

1. Spain in the early 1930s, during the anarchist and worker uprising and just before the facist revolution

2. Somewhere in Africa a very long time ago (i know nothing) among a group of farming families that had been nomads less than 3 generations prior.

3. Assuming human history includes the future, i want to be among the second or third generation born away from Earth, or i want to be there on Earth's last day, whichever comes first. (if it's Earth's last day then i'd like to be in Varanasi.)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

funny moment

jac and i were walking home in the east village last. we saw a long line of people outside a movie theater. we decided to ask someone what movie they were waiting for, and i chose to ask an older couple toward the front of the line. they weren't actively talking or busy, and they seemed like nice old people - - timid, kindly. I asked the man, "what movie are you in line for?" and he said "Jackass."

he thought it was funny too.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, Karl Marx

Sometimes when I am working, I start to wonder, what might life be like for Karl Marx, if he were alive today. What would the experience of individuals working online or interacting with personal computers, pda's and podcasts, and watching reality TV do to the man and his thinking?
He might have a web site, but would he see media as an instrument of freedom or enslavement?
I don't think he would have a talk show, I think he'd be a blogger.
Just a thought.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Rules of Paris

The rules to the card game Paris are now on this blog as the very first post (February 2006). If you are ever again sitting around wondering how to play it, you can just go to this blog, Jeff.

Paris is communal.
Paris is easy.
Paris is all about the tens, bitches.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Experiments in sleep deprivation

10 Things that may happen to you If you are sleepy enough and find yourself in Pittsburgh on game day:
1. Sleep though the flight and only wake when the plane touches the ground, thinking: "oh great, we landed, I am not dead and no one blew up the palne."
2. Be unable to do simple math in you head, and in extreme hours of fatigue, unable to add on paper- particiularly nasty when dealing with timecode. NOTE: The subject, after failing to add, reports that she did not know here name and could only mutter someting about pumpkin pie.
3.Experience a euphoria drug like experience with auditory hallucinations and equilibrium side effects akin to Ecstasy-i.e. feeling your whole life is one long take of a 70mm filmed tracking shot, and you are floating through it.
4. Finally get that nasty cold your girlfriend had last week.
5.Become bitchy.
6.Feel as though you are some kind of rockstar, espcially if you are in an area or sports stadium.
7.See visions of people wearing T-shirts with McDonald's logo's on them that have LCD flat panel tv screens embedded in the shirts, so that they look like teletubby's that are walking ads for McD's. Oh wait, that was real. *****It is important to note that what the subject found most distubing, was that the McD's videos contained audio and the teletubbys were communicating to each other over the audio track, so it was a very loud and scary vision that you were forced to look at, which gave McD's exposure as the teletubbys walked past onto a diabetic coma.
8.Think that you are an alien.
9. Use the words "death culture" in a sentence repeatedly while watching people with game faces walk by.
10.Fall asleep when you sit down.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Power Belly

Did you ever find yourself a part of someone else's conversation. Susan, a co-worker, thought the edit where I am working is called: Power Belly, it's not called that at all, it's valley -not belly.
Anyway, I have been spending alot of time in the edit valley, and on my downtime, when I was sleeping this morning I dreamt I had a huge belly that had magical powers.
I could heal people of their troubles and woes just by belly dancing and letting them touch my belly.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The anti L Word

Jac has to work all week, all weekend, all the time. I just drink all day, for the most part. So she gave me an assignment. She told me to come up with a cast of characters for an anti-L Word tv show.

Karen, a 28 year old security guard, overweight, addicted to fast food, trying to quit smoking. Was once enrolled in junior college but got arrested on false charges of identify theft (actually she was just stealing money from relatives).

Caren, a 29 year old yoga instructor and graduate student. She will discover that she is not a lesbian, just like she was not a hare krishna 5 years ago.

Karine, a 28 year old school teacher in Nassau County. She comes into New York City every Friday and Saturday night and, starting at 7 PM, gets far too drunk. She has one night stands fairly often, usually followed by dull, uncomfortable second dates.

Corrina, a 29 year old first-year attorney in a large law firm. Combative and over-confident, she is often approached by men. She has a wide circle of catty friends and is usually seen in a large group of lesbians, competing.

That takes care of the butch, the pretty flake, the mullet, and the predator. Add a cast of impressionable NYU students and the drama practically writes itself.