netflix queue gone wonky
i've just watched three films in a row about women being institutionalized for various reasons. the last two had british accents, so i'm thinking about this in a kind of working class lilt. i'm to speak on a panel in a couple hours, and i hope i don't end my questions on a down-note or use the word "what" inappropriately...
the first film was about a girl in afghanistan who dresses as a boy, gets found out, and is sent to live in a locked room for the rest of her life.
the second was about three young women. one was raped, one had a child out of wedlock, and one very pretty. they were all sent to a kind of slave labor camp run by nuns. one was rescued, two escaped.
the third film was about a kind, tea-obsessed old woman who performs illegal abortions on Friday afternoons. she is sent to prison where she meets other women who performed abortions.
The whole thing is just too much.
The common element is that women have been controlled, men inspired, by uniformity.
I could stand to listen to some Peaches right about now.